- Moriyama, Y., Mitsui, T., Heisenberg, C. P. (2024) hoxb genes determine the timing of cell ingression by regulating cell surface fluctuations during zebrafish gastrulation. BioRxiv
- Tavano, S., Brueckner, D. B., Tasciyan, S., Kardos, R., Tong, X., Schauer, A., Hauschild, R., Heisenberg, C. P. (2023) BMP-dependent patterning of ectoderm tissue material properties modulates lateral mesendoderm cell migration during early zebrafish gastrulation. BioRxiv
- Marshall W, Baum B, Fairhall A, Heisenberg CP, Koslover E, Liu A, Mao Y, Mogilner A, Nelson CM, Paluch EK, Trepat X, Yap A. Where physics and biology meet. Current Biology, 2024
- Nelson CM, Xiao B, Wickström SA, Dufrêne YF, Cosgrove DJ, Heisenberg CP, Dupont S, Shyer AE, Rodrigues AR, Trepat X, Diz-Muñoz A. Mechanobiology: Shaping the future of cellular form and function. Cell. 2024 May 23;187(11):2652-2656.
- Hoermayer, L., Montesinos, J. C., Trozzi, N., Spona, L., Yoshida, S., Marhava, P., … & Friml, J. (2024). Mechanical forces in plant tissue matrix orient cell divisions via microtubule stabilization. Developmental Cell, 59(10), 1333-1344.
- Alexandra SchauerRobust axis elongation by Nodal-dependent restriction of BMP signaling. Development, 2024; 151 (4) Kornelija Pranjic-Ferscha Robert Hauschild Carl-Philipp Heisenberg;
- Caballero-Mancebo, S., Shinde, R., Bolger-Munro, M. et al. Friction forces determine cytoplasmic reorganization and shape changes of ascidian oocytes upon fertilization. Nature Physics 20, 310–321 (2024)
- Feyza Nur Arslan, Édouard Hannezo, Jack Merrin, Martin Loose, Carl-Philipp Heisenberg Adhesion-induced cortical flows pattern E-cadherin-mediated cell contacts, Current Biology, Volume 34, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 171-182
- Méhes, E., Mones, E., Varga, M. et al. 3D cell segregation geometry and dynamics are governed by tissue surface tension regulation. Communications Biology 6, 817 (2023)
- Tomohito HigashiZnUMBA – a live imaging method to detect local barrier breaches. Journal of Cell Science, 2023; 136(15) Rachel E. Stephenson Cornelia Schwayer Karla Huljev Atsuko Y. Higashi Carl-Philipp Heisenberg Hideki Chiba Ann L. Miller;
- Shamipour, S., Hofmann, L., Steccari, I., Kardos, R., Heisenberg, C. P. (2023) Yolk granule fusion and microtubule aster formation regulate cortical granule translocation and exocytosis in zebrafish oocytes. PLoS Biology
- Karla Huljev, Shayan Shamipour, Diana Pinheiro, Friedrich Preusser, Irene Steccari, Christoph Markus Sommer, Suyash Naik, Carl-Philipp Heisenberg A hydraulic feedback loop between mesendoderm cell migration and interstitial fluid relocalization promotes embryonic axis formation in zebrafish, Developmental Cell, Volume 58, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 582-596
- Pinheiro, D., Kardos, R., Hannezo, É. et al. Morphogen gradient orchestrates pattern-preserving tissue morphogenesis via motility-driven unjamming. Nature Physics 18, 1482–1493 (2022)
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- Slováková, J., Sikora, M., Arslan, F. N., Caballero-Mancebo, S., Krens, S. G., Kaufmann, W. A., … & Heisenberg, C. P. (2022). Tension-dependent stabilization of E-cadherin limits cell–cell contact expansion in zebrafish germ-layer progenitor cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(8)
- Godard, B. G., Dumollard, R., Heisenberg, C. P., & McDougall, A. (2021). Combined effect of cell geometry and polarity domains determines the orientation of unequal division. eLife
- Pradhan, S. J., Reddy, P. C., Smutny, M., Sharma, A., Sako, K., Oak, M. S., … & Galande, S. (2021). Satb2 acts as a gatekeeper for major developmental transitions during early vertebrate embryogenesis. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-19
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- Petridou NI, Corominas-Murtra B, Heisenberg CP, Hannezo E. Rigidity percolation uncovers a structural basis for embryonic tissue phase transitions. Cell, 2021
- Godard BG, Dumollard R, Munro E, Chenevert J, Hebras C, McDougall A, Heisenberg CP. Apical Relaxation during Mitotic Rounding Promotes Tension-Oriented Cell Division. Developmental Cell, 2020
- Tsai TY, Sikora M, Xia P, Colak-Champollion T, Knaut H, Heisenberg CP, Megason SG. An adhesion code ensures robust pattern formation during tissue morphogenesis. Science, 370(6512), 113-116
- Schauer A, Pinheiro D, Hauschild R, Heisenberg CP. Zebrafish embryonic explants undergo genetically encoded self-assembly. eLife, 2020
- Schwayer C, Shamipour S, Pranjic-Ferscha K, Schauer A, Balda M, Tada M, Matter K, Heisenberg CP. Mechanosensation of Tight Junctions Depends on ZO-1 Phase Separation and Flow. Cell, 2019
- Bornhorst D, Xia P, Nakajima H, Dingare C, Herzog W, Lecaudey V, Mochizuki N, Heisenberg CP, Yelon D, Abdelilah-Seyfried S. Biomechanical signaling within the developing zebrafish heart attunes endocardial growth to myocardial chamber dimensions. Nature Communications, 2019
- Shamipour S, Kardos R, Xue SL, Hof B, Hannezo E, Heisenberg CP. Bulk Actin Dynamics Drives Phase Segregation in Zebrafish Oocytes. Cell, 2019
- Xia P, Gütl D, Zheden V, Heisenberg CP. Lateral Inhibition in Cell Specification Mediated by Mechanical Signals Modulating TAZ Activity. Cell, 2019
- Čapek D, Smutny M, Tichy AM, Morri M, Janovjak H, Heisenberg CP. Light-activated Frizzled7 reveals a permissive role of non-canonical Wnt signaling in mesendoderm cell migration. eLife, 2019
- Petridou NI, Grigolon S, Salbreux G, Hannezo E, Heisenberg CP. Fluidization-mediated tissue spreading by mitotic cell rounding and non-canonical Wnt signalling. Nature Cell Biology, 2018
- Carvalho L, Patricio P, Ponte S, Heisenberg CP, Almeida L, Nunes AS, Araújo NAM, Jacinto A. Occluding junctions as novel regulators of tissue mechanics during wound repair. Journal of Cell Biology, 2018
- Barone V, Lang M, Krens SFG, Pradhan SJ, Shamipour S, Sako K, Sikora M, Guet CC, Heisenberg CP. An Effective Feedback Loop between Cell-Cell Contact Duration and Morphogen Signaling Determines Cell Fate. Developmental Cell, 2017
- Schmalhorst PS, Deluweit F, Scherrers R, Heisenberg CP, Sikora M. Overcoming the Limitations of the MARTINI Force Field in Simulations of Polysaccharides. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2017
- Krens SFG, Veldhuis JH, Barone V, Čapek D, Maître JL, Brodland GW, Heisenberg CP. Interstitial fluid osmolarity modulates the action of differential tissue surface tension in progenitor cell segregation during gastrulation. Development, 2017
- Smutny M, Ákos Z, Grigolon S, Shamipour S, Ruprecht V, Čapek D, Behrndt M, Papusheva E, Tada M, Hof B, Vicsek T, Salbreux G, Heisenberg CP. Friction forces position the neural anlage. Nat Cell Biol. 2017 Morita H, Grigolon S, Bock M, Krens SF, Salbreux G, Heisenberg CP. The Physical Basis of Coordinated Tissue Spreading in Zebrafish Gastrulation. Developmental Cell, 2017
- Diz-Muñoz A, Romanczuk P, Yu W, Bergert M, Ivanovitch K, Salbreux G, Heisenberg CP, Paluch EK. Steering cell migration by alternating blebs and actin-rich protrusions. BMC Biology, 2016
- Sako K, Pradhan SJ, Barone V, Inglés-Prieto Á, Müller P, Ruprecht V, Čapek D, Galande S, Janovjak H, Heisenberg CP. Optogenetic Control of Nodal Signaling Reveals a Temporal Pattern of Nodal Signaling Regulating Cell Fate Specification during Gastrulation. Cell Reports, 2016
- Saha A, Nishikawa M, Behrndt M, Heisenberg CP, Jülicher F, Grill SW. Determining Physical Properties of the Cell Cortex. Biophysical Journal, 2016
- Callan-Jones AC, Ruprecht V, Wieser S, Heisenberg CP, Voituriez R. Cortical Flow-Driven Shapes of Nonadherent Cells. Physical Review Letters, 2016
- Maiuri P, Rupprecht JF, Wieser S, Ruprecht V, Bénichou O, Carpi N, Coppey M, De Beco S, Gov N, Heisenberg CP, Lage Crespo C, Lautenschlaeger F, Le Berre M, Lennon-Dumenil AM, Raab M, Thiam HR, Piel M, Sixt M, Voituriez R. Actin Flows Mediate a Universal Coupling between Cell Speed and Cell Persistence. Cell, 2015
- Porazinski S, Wang H, Asaoka Y, Behrndt M, Miyamoto T, Morita H, Hata S, Sasaki T, Krens SF, Osada Y, Asaka S, Momoi A, Linton S, Miesfeld JB, Link BA, Senga T, Castillo-Morales A, Urrutia AO, Shimizu N, Nagase H, Matsuura S, Bagby S, Kondoh H, Nishina H, Heisenberg CP, Furutani-Seiki M. YAP is essential for tissue tension to ensure vertebrate 3D body shape. Nature. 2015
- Ruprecht V, Wieser S, Callan-Jones A, Smutny M, Morita H, Sako K, Barone V, Ritsch Marte M, Sixt M, Voituriez R, Heisenberg CP. Cortical contractility triggers a stochastic switch to fast amoeboid cell motility. Cell, 2015
- Compagnon J, Barone V, Rajshekar S, Kottmeier R, Pranjic-Ferscha K, Behrndt M, Heisenberg CP. The notochord breaks bilateral symmetry by controlling cell shapes in the zebrafish laterality organ. Developmental Cell, 2014
- Campinho P, Behrndt M, Ranft J, Risler T, Minc N, Heisenberg CP. Tension-oriented cell divisions limit anisotropic tissue tension in epithelial spreading during zebrafish epiboly. Nature Cell Biology, 2013
- Tay HG, Schulze SK, Compagnon J, Foley FC, Heisenberg CP, Yost HJ, Abdelilah Seyfried S, Amack JD. Lethal giant larvae 2 regulates development of the ciliated organ Kupffer’s vesicle. Development, 2013
- Castanon I, Abrami L, Holtzer L, Heisenberg CP, van der Goot FG, González-Gaitán M. Anthrax toxin receptor 2a controls mitotic spindle positioning. Nature Cell Biology, 2013
- Behrndt M, Salbreux G, Campinho P, Hauschild R, Oswald F, Roensch J, Grill SW, Heisenberg CP. Forces driving epithelial spreading in zebrafish gastrulation. Science, 2012
- Maître JL, Berthoumieux H, Krens SF, Salbreux G, Jülicher F, Paluch E, Heisenberg CP. Adhesion functions in cell sorting by mechanically coupling the cortices of adhering cells. Science, 2012
- Stockinger P, Maître JL, Heisenberg CP. Defective neuroepithelial cell cohesion affects tangential branchiomotor neuron migration in the zebrafish neural tube. Development, 2011
- Row RH, Maître JL, Martin BL, Stockinger P, Heisenberg CP, Kimelman D. Completion of the epithelial to mesenchymal transition in zebrafish mesoderm requires Spadetail. Developmental Biology, 2011
- Krens SF, Möllmert S, Heisenberg CP. Enveloping cell-layer differentiation at the surface of zebrafish germ-layer tissue explants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2011
- Diz-Muñoz A, Krieg M, Bergert M, Ibarlucea-Benitez I, Muller DJ, Paluch E, and Heisenberg CP. Control of directed cell migration in vivo by membrane-to-cortex attachment. PLoS Biology, 2010
- Leung TK, Veldhuis JH, Krens SF, Heisenberg CP, Brodland GW. Identifying Same-Cell Contours in Image Stacks: A Key Step in Making 3D Reconstructions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2010
- Quesada-Hernández E, Caneparo L, Schneider S, Winkler S, Liebling M, Fraser SE, Heisenberg CP. Stereotypical cell division orientation controls neural rod midline formation in zebrafish. Current Biology, 2010
- Klopper AV, Krens G, Grill SW, Heisenberg CP. Finite-size corrections to scaling behavior in sorted cell aggregates. European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter. 2010
- Oteiza P, Köppen M, Krieg M, Pulgar E, Farias C, Melo C, Preibisch S, Müller D, Tada M, Hartel S, Heisenberg CP, Concha ML. Planar cell polarity signalling regulates cell adhesion properties in progenitors of the zebrafish laterality organ. Development, 2010
- Arboleda-Estudillo Y, Krieg M, Stühmer J, Licata NA, Muller DJ, Heisenberg CP. Movement directionality in collective migration of germ layer progenitors. Current Biology, 2010
- Kardash E, Reichman-Fried M, Maître JL, Boldajipour B, Papusheva E, Messerschmidt EM, Heisenberg CP, Raz E. A role for Rho GTPases and cell-cell adhesion in single-cell motility in vivo. Nature Cell Biology, 2010
- Carvalho L, Stühmer J, Bois JS, Kalaidzidis Y, Lecaudey V, Heisenberg CP. Control of convergent yolk syncytial layer nuclear movement in zebrafish. Development, 2009
- Krieg M, Helenius J, Heisenberg CP, Muller DJ. A bond for a lifetime: employing membrane nanotubes from living cells to determine receptor-ligand kinetics. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2008
- Kai M, Heisenberg CP, Tada M. Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors regulate individual cell behaviours underlying the directed migration of prechordal plate progenitor cells during zebrafish gastrulation. Development, 2008
- Oteíza P, Köppen M, Concha ML and Heisenberg CP. Origin and shaping of the laterality organ in zebrafish. Development, 2008
- Vervenne HB, Crombez KR, Lambaerts K, Carvalho L, Koeppen M, Heisenberg CP, Van de Ven WJ, and Petit MM. Lpp is involved in Wnt/PCP signaling and acts together with Scrib to mediate convergence and extension movements during zebrafish gastrulation. Developmental Biology, 2008
- Krieg M, Arboleda Y, Puech PH, Käfer J, Graner F, Muller Tonelli Dde P, Calegari F, Fei JF, Nomura T, Osumi N, Heisenberg CP, Huttner WB. Single-cell detection of microRNAs in developing vertebrate embryos after acute administration of a dual-fluorescence reporter/sensor plasmid. Biotechniques, 2006
- Witzel S, Zimyanin V, Carreira-Barbosa F, Tada M and Heisenberg CP. Wnt11 controls cell-cell contact persistence by local accumulation of Frizzled-7 at the plasma membrane. Journal of Cell Biology, 2006
- Blaser H, Reichman-Fried M, Castanon I, Dumstrei K, Marlow FL, Kawakami K, Solnica-Krezel L, Heisenberg CP and Raz E. Migration of Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cells: a Role for Myosin Contraction and Cytoplasmic Flow. Developmental Cell, 2006
- Koeppen M, Garcia-Frenandez B, Carvalho L, Jacinto A and Heisenberg CP. Coordinated cell shape changes control epithelial movement in zebrafish and Drosophila. Development, 2006
- Link V, Carvalho L, Castanon I, Stockinger P, Shevchenko A and Heisenberg CP. Identification of regulators of germ layer morphogenesis using proteomics in zebrafish. Journal of Cell Science, 2006
- Langenberg T, Dracz T, Oates AC, Heisenberg CP, Brand M. Analysis and visualization of cell movement in the developing zebrafish brain. Developmental Dynamics, 2006
- Link V, Shevchenko A, Heisenberg CP. Proteomics of early zebrafish embryos. BMC Dev Biol. 2006
- Ulrich F, Krieg M, Schoetz EM, Link V, Castanon I, Schnabel V, Taubenberger A, Muller DJ, Puech PH, Heisenberg CP. Wnt11 functions in gastrulation by controlling cell cohesion through Rab5 and Ecadherin. Developmental Cell, 2005
- Puech PH, Taubenberger A, Ulrich F, Krieg M, Muller DJ, Heisenberg CP. Measuring cell adhesion forces of primary gastrulating cells from zebrafish using atomic force microscopy. Journal of Cell Science, 2005
- Montero JA, Carvalho L, Wilsch-Brauninger M, Kilian B, Mustafa C and Heisenberg CP. Shield formation at the onset of zebrafish gastrulation. Development, 2005
- Norton WH, Mangoli M, Lele Z, Pogoda HM, Diamond B, Mercurio S, Russell C, Teraoka H, Stickney HL, Rauch GJ, Heisenberg CP, Houart C, Schilling TF, Frohnhoefer HG, Rastegar S, Neumann CJ, Gardiner RM, Strahle U, Geisler R, Rees M, Talbot WS, Wilson SW. Monorail/Foxa2 regulates floorplate differentiation and specification of oligodendrocytes, serotonergic raphe neurones and cranial motoneurones. Development, 2005
- Ulrich F, Concha ML, Heid PJ, Voss E, Witzel S, Roehl H, Tada M, Wilson SW, Adams RJ, Soll DR, Heisenberg CP. Alb/Wnt11 controls hypoblast cell migration and morphogenesis at the onset of zebrafish gastrulation. Development, 2003
- Montero JA, Kilian B, Chan J, Bayliss PE, and Heisenberg, CP. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase controls process outgrowth and cell polarisation of gastrulating mesendodermal cells. Current Biology, 2003
- Kilian B, Mansukoski H, Barbosa FC, Ulrich F, Tada M, Heisenberg CP. The role of Ppt/Wnt5 in regulating cell shape and movement during zebrafish gastrulation. Mechanisms of Development, 2003
- Hannus M, Feiguin F, Heisenberg CP, Eaton S. Planar cell polarization requires Widerborst, a B’ regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A. Development, 2002
- Houart C, Caneparo L, Heisenberg C, Barth K, Take-Uchi M, Wilson S. Establishment of the telencephalon during gastrulation by local antagonism of Wnt signaling. Neuron, 2002
- Heisenberg CP, Houart C, Take-Uchi M, Rauch GJ, Young N, Coutinho P, Masai I, Caneparo L, Concha ML, Geisler R, Dale TC, Wilson SW, Stemple DL. A mutation in the Gsk3-binding domain of zebrafish Masterblind/Axin1 leads to a fate transformation of telencephalon and eyes to diencephalon. Genes & Development, 2001
- Heisenberg CP, Tada M, Rauch GJ, Saude L, Concha ML, Geisler R, Stemple DL, Smith JC, Wilson SW. Silberblick/Wnt11 mediates convergent extension movements during zebrafish gastrulation. Nature, 2000
- Heisenberg CP, Brennan C, Wilson SW. Zebrafish aussicht mutant embryos exhibit widespread overexpression of ace (fgf8) and coincident defects in CNS development. Development, 1999
- Heisenberg CP, Nusslein-Volhard C. The function of silberblick in the positioning of the eye anlage in the zebrafish embryo. Developmental Biology, 1997
- Masai I, Heisenberg CP, Barth KA, Macdonald R, Adamek S, Wilson SW. Floating head and masterblind regulate neuronal patterning in the roof of the forebrain. Neuron, 1997
- Granato M, van Eeden FJ, Schach U, Trowe T, Brand M, Furutani-Seiki M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Nusslein-Volhard C. Genes controlling and mediating locomotion behavior of the zebrafish embryo and larva. Development, 1996
- Odenthal J, Rossnagel K, Haffter P, Kelsh RN, Vogelsang E, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Mullins MC, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting xanthophore pigmentation in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Kelsh RN, Brand M, Jiang YJ, Heisenberg CP, Lin S, Haffter P, Odenthal J, Mullins MC, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Warga RM, Beuchle D, Vogelsang L, Nusslein-Volhard C. Zebrafish pigmentation mutations and the processes of neural crest development. Development, 1996
- Piotrowski T, Schilling TF, Brand M, Jiang YJ, Heisenberg CP, Beuchle D, Grandel H, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Nusslein-Volhard C. Jaw and branchial arch mutants in zebrafish II: anterior arches and cartilage differentiation. Development, 1996
- Schilling TF, Piotrowski T, Grandel H, Brand M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Beuchle D, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Mullins MC, van Eeden FJ, Kelsh RN, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Trowe T, Nusslein-Volhard C. Jaw and branchial arch mutants in zebrafish I: branchial arches. Development, 1996
- Ransom DG, Haffter P, Odenthal J, Brownlie A, Vogelsang E, Kelsh RN, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Mullins MC, Nusslein-Volhard C. Characterization of zebrafish mutants with defects in embryonic hematopoiesis. Development, 1996
- Chen JN, Haffter P, Odenthal J, Vogelsang E, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting the cardiovascular system and other internal organs in zebrafish. Development, 1996
- van Eeden FJ, Granato M, Schach U, Brand M, Furutani-Seiki M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Nusslein-Volhard C. Genetic analysis of fin formation in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Whitfield TT, Granato M, van Eeden FJ, Schach U, Brand M, Furutani-Seiki M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting development of the zebrafish inner ear and lateral line. Development, 1996
- Furutani-Seiki M, Jiang YJ, Brand M, Heisenberg CP, Houart C, Beuchle D, van Eeden FJ, Granato M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Nusslein-Volhard C. Neural degeneration mutants in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Jiang YJ, Brand M, Heisenberg CP, Beuchle D, Furutani-Seiki M, Kelsh RN, Warga RM, Granato M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, van Eeden FJ, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting neurogenesis and brain morphology in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Heisenberg CP, Brand M, Jiang YJ, Warga RM, Beuchle D, van Eeden FJ, FurutaniSeiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Nusslein-Volhard C. Genes involved in forebrain development in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Brand M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Beuchle D, Lun K, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, van Eeden FJ, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations in zebrafish genes affecting the formation of the boundary between midbrain and hindbrain. Development. 1996
- van Eeden FJ, Granato M, Schach U, Brand M, Furutani-Seiki M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Allende ML, Weinberg ES, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting somite formation and patterning in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Hammerschmidt M, Pelegri F, Mullins MC, Kane DA, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kelsh RN, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting morphogenesis during gastrulation and tail formation in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Brand M, Heisenberg CP, Warga RM, Pelegri F, Karlstrom RO, Beuchle D, Picker A, Jiang YJ, Furutani-Seiki M, van Eeden FJ, Granato M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting development of the midline and general body shape during zebrafish embryogenesis. Development, 1996
- Odenthal J, Haffter P, Vogelsang E, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kane DA, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Warga RM, Allende ML, Weinberg ES, Nusslein-Volhard C. Mutations affecting the formation of the notochord in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996
- Hammerschmidt M, Pelegri F, Mullins MC, Kane DA, van Eeden FJ, Granato M, Brand M, Furutani-Seiki M, Haffter P, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kelsh RN, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Nusslein-Volhard C. dino and mercedes, two genes regulating dorsal development in the zebrafish embryo. Development, 1996
- Mullins MC, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Odenthal J, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kelsh RN, NussleinVolhard C. Genes establishing dorsoventral pattern formation in the zebrafish embryo: the ventral specifying genes. Development, 1996
- Kane DA, Maischein HM, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Hammerschmidt M, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kelsh RN, Mullins MC, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Nusslein-Volhard C. The zebrafish early arrest mutants. Development, 1996
- Kane DA, Hammerschmidt M, Mullins MC, Maischein HM, Brand M, van Eeden FJ, Furutani-Seiki M, Granato M, Haffter P, Heisenberg CP, Jiang YJ, Kelsh RN, Odenthal J, Warga RM, Nusslein-Volhard C. The zebrafish epiboly mutants. Development, 1996
- Haffter P, Granato M, Brand M, Mullins MC, Hammerschmidt M, Kane DA, Odenthal J, van Eeden FJ, Jiang YJ, Heisenberg CP, Kelsh RN, Furutani-Seiki M, Vogelsang E, Beuchle D, Schach U, Fabian C, Nusslein-Volhard C. The identification of genes with unique and essential functions in the development
of the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development, 1996 - Leingartner A, Heisenberg CP, Kolbeck R, Thoenen H, Lindholm D. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor increases neurotrophin-3 expression in cerebellar granule neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1994
- Lindholm D, Dechant G, Heisenberg CP, Thoenen H. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a survival factor for cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons and protects them against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. European Journal of Neuroscience, 1993
- Lindholm D, Castren E, Tsoulfas P, Kolbeck R, Berzaghi Mda P, Leingartner A, Heisenberg CP, Tessarollo L, Parada LF, et AL, et al. Neurotrophin-3 induced by tri-iodothyronine in cerebellar granule cells promotes Purkinje cell differentiation. Journal of Cell Biology, 1993
- Heisenberg CP, Thoenen H, Lindholm D. Tri-iodothyronine regulates survival and differentiation of rat cerebellar granule neurons. Neuroreport, 1992